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Jonathan Hochberg's BAD TRIP - coincidental victims - New York Rock - The Dock - 2014-09-05

New York Rock with "Whoosis" and Pale Green Stars - M-Eleven Happy Hour
996_0001r - 00-00-00 - 00-00-28s Total - BONZE ANNE ROSE BLAYK - Camera - 1st Video Segment 720p MOV 44.7 MB
996_0002r1 - 00-00-00 - 00-13-00 - JONATHAN HOCHBERG - Turf - 2nd Video Segment 720p MOV 330 MB
996_0002r2 - M-Eleven - - 3rd Video Segment 720p MOV 2.15 GB
996_0002r3 - M-Eleven - - 4th Video Segment 720p MOV 1.10 GB
996_0003r - stage setup - - 5th Video Segment 720p MOV 23.9 MB
996_0004r1 - stage setup - Whoosis - - 6th Video Segment 720p MOV 2.15 GB
996_0004r2 - Pale Green Stars - - 7th Video Segment 720p MOV 2.15 GB
996_0004r3 - stage setup - - 8th Video Segment 720p MOV 145.7 MB
996_0005r - stage setup - - 9th Video Segment 720p MOV 15.7 MB
996_0006r - camera taken down - - 10th Video Segment 720p MOV 14.6 MB
DR0000_0414 - M-Eleven - 2014-09-05.wav - 1st Audio Segment 24/48 WAV 1.07 GB
DR0000_0414_LINE - M-Eleven - 2014-09-05.wav - 1st Audio Segment - LINE 24/48 WAV 1.07 GB
DR0000_0415 - M-Eleven - 2014-09-05.wav - 2nd Audio Segment 24/48 WAV 890 MB
DR0000_0415_LINE - M-Eleven - 2014-09-05.wav - 2nd Audio Segment - LINE 24/48 WAV 890 MB
DR0000_0416 - Whoosis - 2014-09-05.wav - 3rd Audio Segment 24/48 WAV 1.05 GB
DR0000_0416_LINE - Whoosis - 2014-09-05.wav - 3rd Audio Segment - LINE 24/48 WAV 1.05 GB
DR0000_0417 - Pale Green Stars - 2014-09-05.wav - 4th Audio Segment 24/48 WAV 1.07 GB
DR0000_0417_LINE - Pale Green Stars - 2014-09-05.wav - 4th Audio Segment - LINE 24/48 WAV 1.07 GB
DR0000_0418 - Intermission - 2014-09-05.wav - 5th Audio Segment 24/48 WAV 23.2 MB
DR0000_0418_LINE - Intermission - 2014-09-05.wav - 5th Audio Segment - LINE 24/48 WAV 23.2 GB
DR0000_0419 - The New York Rock - 2014-09-05.wav - 6th Audio Segment 24/48 WAV 1.07 GB
DR0000_0419_LINE - The New York Rock - 2014-09-05.wa - 6th Audio Segment - LINE 24/48 WAV 1.07 GB
DR0000_0420 - The New York Rock - 2014-09-05.wav - 7th Audio Segment 24/48 WAV 856 MB
DR0000_0420_LINE - The New York Rock - 2014-09-05.wav - 7th Audio Segment - LINE 24/48 WAV 856 MB
Track Mixdowns - DIRECTORY 16/48 AIF 0 MB

"720p MOV" indicates that the video is the original raw video, shot in 720p format (1280x720);
- each 5 minutes of video consumes about 100MB of space (YMWV).
"1080p MOV" indicates that the video is the original raw video, shot in 1080p format (1920x1080);
- each 5 minutes of video consumes about 200MB of space (YMWV).

The audio is captured in 128Kbps AAC; audio in raw video captures has not been corrected for the EQ of the microphone
(which gives a much more true-to-life impression the bass and lower midrange),
or for the voltage bias caused by the mic power on the right channel

"24/44.1 WAV" indicates a WAV audio file captured with 24-bit resolution at a frequency of 44.1KHz, and "24/48" that the capture was taken at 48KHz.

Thank you! - bonzie anne

If you have questions about getting further work done producing these videos, please